Monday, June 1, 2009

Thought of the day...

If perfection is a criteria, cut me out.

If nude pictures speak the truth, I'd rather remain covered and lie.

If there's a belief that makes you happy and content in spirit, let it be.

Well it seems as though time is really ticking off the clock. The seconds turn into minutes, minutes into hours and hours into days. Days into years. Years into memories. I found yet another primary school classmate and thinking back just makes me smile. Good and bad memories all mixed and compacted into one little cube of memory. Friend's whom I have lost and found and lost forever to the hands of death. Sometimes I question my reason to being on earth and what I will accomplish. But then again, I'd rather just look forward to a cool fun-filled day. I keep telling myself to make the most of family time. There are people out there who would die to grasp a moment with a family member or their entire family.