Friday, April 24, 2009

Cool Indie Track :"Dawn Of The Dead"

Oh my goodness, I found this cool az track. It's kinda old BUT it's been stuck in my head. Apparently my brother's been playing it on the pc and it kinda clicked...DOES IT OFFEND YOU, YEAH!! Hella awesome guys...This is the only track that seems fully lyrical apart from "Epic Last Song". Check it out...It's a cute song :)

Dawn of the Dead, track #4 on their "You Have No Idea What You're Getting Yourself Into" album!!

Cute PostSecret


Check out this cover for Lollipop by Framing Hanley!! Nice, me likey ;)

Thursday, April 23, 2009


The exterior of the broken
frozen with hatred
Fights to battle your life
Loss to the one...out numbered
Left to mother earth to claim
Hope lingers outside...un­known to the fallen
slowly fading with the sands of time
Like light lingering in the darkest corner,
the heart beats faster...pus­hing and pleading
Fear in the eyes of the fallen one...
Cold like the stormiest night
Hope eager to light
What once lingered with life
now lies a body without a soul...


Old Poem: Memory

she's like a tide
she comes and goes...
But somewhat remains
She likes the colours of the rainbow
the smell of rain
and freshly cut grass
Animals come and go...
Her heart is hidden
from the dangers
of being broken
or shattered..a­nd never to be mended
she keeps inside
all the things
that once mattered
Anger, she expresses...­
In­otos..and ones like this

She misses the ones that left her
And holds the ones that matter close to her
in a world...born­ out of danger and misfortune..­.
some have forgotten...­
what once stood as the good old days...

Taylor Lautner: Buffed for New Moon

After the commotion of reprising Jack Black's role in the Twilight Sequel "New Moon" by author Stephenie Meyer between Micheal Copon - Taylor Lautner has been blessed to continue his role as Jacob Black, where we will see the Quiliettes come out as shape-shifters or were-wolves. Can't say much! Read the book!
Filming of the flick is currently underway, with Jacob spotting a new bod! He barely looks 17/18 anymore! *Wink *Wink

To Be Or Not To Be? Mystery of 2012

Scary story, the Maya of Central America had a particular strikingly accurate calendar which states the end of the human life-cycle on December 21st, 2012, the winter solstice(they also predicted an eclipse which occurred exactly as they had predicted) ! Funny part is that the Indian calendar, the Kali Yuga ends at about the exact time. According to (2009), "apart from the occassional solar eclipse and comet, the entire solar system is to pass through the centre of our galaxy, something that only happens once every 26, 000 years which scientists say has already happened". But there's also a risk of our planet's poles switching! Imagine a frozen South Pacific which may not be called "South" but North! And I also heard from a friend that there's a group that believes (and they're training themselves as I speak) that alien life-forms or extra terrestials are going to come to Earth in 2012 and wipe out the entire male species. Yes, they are supposed to mate with the females to produce(aren't their female aliens not enough?) super-humans or so to speak "part-alien" babies or something! This cult group, are actually training themselves to combat and withstand the alien's mind-reading and other abilities. Sounds like a cool block buster film to me!

Funny Prank! Hahahahahaha

This one takes the cake, believe me!
I read this yahoo news article on how digital road signs were being hacked into by teenagers, where they'd put in silly crazy things which would then be displayed to everyone on the road...Haha "caution...zombies ahead!!"

Cute adorable pets owned by a few friends...

Used without prior permission from the guys...I'll let them know soon!

Here's the googley eyed cutey in Arles, France...Pic courtesy of Chad Stone...crazy pal stuck in France. He hates this dog (host family's pet) How sad, just look at those eyes!!

Here's one, well it was from some dude's page. This pup is surely a wolf/huskie mix...Or yeah. What a stunner huh?! Gotta love those blue eyes on a pupp!

My absolute fave! Meet Lily, Sam's adorable dog! She's chocolate with eyes that could melt your heart! Arghh (Sam if you reading this, I hope you don't kill me- Lily is too know I love her!)

Winner winner....chicken dinner...

Argh since giving up meat for the most beloved season of Lent, I (including a few members of my family and a friend) survived and sustained our nutritional needs with fish, vegies, more fish, sea-food, vegies, lollies, and the odd TVPs!
As to my most awaited moment, the 40 days were over and eating chicken is now gross!
All I taste is blood/tissue of a cooked dead bird!

So it's posting time for moi....

So...word is: Ian has returned to NZ, spent most of my money on food and postcards (replying to pals) and yes, I've been having these eery headaches which begin with my ears ringing...Like how I can hear a TV being switched on other than my own...bla bla
I'd like to welcome the CTS (Community Theater Society) and that so called "farza" and his blog! Well done Mr Hibiscus and whoever was behind the scenes.
Here's a lil pic, it's my dog Chubz wearing my bunny ears with my foot at the bottom! Haha cute huh?