Saturday, October 30, 2010

Read these!

I can't imagine my life without reading a book or two when I'm free. So far, in my room lies a few treasures...(a few gone forever due to that 'no return policy' with a few careless peeps) books I sometimes reread again just to relive the excitement and well normally for the laughter.

So I'll be quick about this, if your an awesome human who reads (just like me ;) check these two!

Douglas Adams' (the same cool author who gave us "The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy") - The Long Dark Tea-Time of The Soul. I reckon if they make a movie out of this, it would be epic. I'm not kidding!

Then we have our homie Jane Austen popping by in Lauren Henderson's "Jane Austen's Guide to Romance - The Regency Rules" which uses Jane's work as examples of how things should/should not be. Simply put, we're being taught old school romancing that works. It's pretty much honest, common sense on the ways of jerks, superficial robots and the many names we tend to conjure up...and the nice guys & girls too :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This made me smile!

So I was on one of my fave blog sites (YOUR FACE) and BAM! After checking out a new post, my curiosity got the best of me and now I got a new fave...check it out! It's Free Crappy Portraits! I'm itching to send em a get a crappy portrait haha. I'm in love with that blog.
Nom nom nom nom nom...if only it was a cookie.

ps- Halloween's coming up...who/what are you dressing up as?

pss (piss?) - I'm loving this rain and how warm my blankie is...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A trip down memory lane...

I took this vid back in 2007, one of our many cute kittens. I miss them! Yes it was on my mom's bed. That's me talking to the little cutey pie! Haha